
The Republican Party of Montgomery County Maryland

The purpose of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee (MCGOP) is to lead and support the Republican Party in Montgomery County, MD: (1) by promoting the principles and objectives of the Republican Party as set forth in the platform adopted at its most recent national convention; and (2) by establishing and operating an effective political organization in Montgomery County, MD.

Our principal objective is to secure laws, ballot initiatives and the election of qualified Republican candidates by recruiting such candidates, working for such candidates, engaging in fund­raising, assisting, and coordinating Republican activities in Montgomery County, developing relationships and engaging in such other activities as are necessary to accomplish the objectives.

We have an unparalleled opportunity to make a difference in Montgomery County and counter the actions of the County Council and Legislators, including:

• Leading the fight against the teaching of Critical Race Theory (CRT) in our schools

• Ending gerrymandered voting districts

• Pushing for an end to spurious curriculum changes and eliminating revisionist history

• Leading the response to eliminate sanctuary status in Montgomery County

• Pushing to reinstate funding for our Police and School Resource Officers (SRO) in our schools

• Fighting out-of-control County Council spending and tax increases

• Supporting local businesses and job creation

• Demanding election integrity in Montgomery County

Please join us!   Together we can push conservative ideas, elect Republicans to state and local office who will promote conservative principles of freedom, opportunity, and personal responsibility. 
