Safely Open the Schools

Sharon Bauer, The Women's Federation, and Republican Clubs are sponsoring a petition to safely open the Montgomery County schools, both public and private. Here's a copy Laurie Halverson, President of the Chevy Chase Women's Republican Club sent out asking for signatures.
When you sign this petition, it will reach the County Council members and the county health officer, Dr. Travis Gayles. If they don't hear from us, they won't know we oppose their decision to keep schools online virtually for the entire semester, until January 21, 2021.
If you haven't heard, the county has authorized two after school programs to hold day care in public school buildings. That's right. It is ok for kids to go to day care in our school buildings but not school. Parents are paying $300 per child per week. Does this make sense to you? Please also forward to your friends.



We urge the County Council and the Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services to reconsider their decision to not open Montgomery County Schools.
Top scientists, Dr. Redfield, Director of CDC, Dr. Fauci, Director of NIH, and Admiral Giroir, Asst. Secretary for Health at U.S. Dept. of Health, all agree children should go back to school. The physical, mental, social, and cognitive development of our children is at risk by not attending school in person!
We the undersigned are in support of having Montgomery County Public schools in Montgomery County, Maryland open for in school instruction in Montgomery County school facilities by October 1st following CDC and the American Academy of Pediatrics Guidelines.
Note: you may get a request to donate. This donation does not go toward this effort. It just goes to so you may want to ignore this request.
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