Vince DeCain Honored

By Karol Smith

Vince DeCain has a long and distinguished record serving America and the Republican Party. He first became interested in politics when learning about the Presidency of William Howard Taft.

In 1960, Vince was charged with locating headquarters for the Nixon/Lodge campaign in Brooklyn, NY. 

There was, then, no online communication, so it  was essential to have a good place for people to come in, ask questions and obtain information.

1984 saw Vince and Amie Hoeber testifying before Congress on Weapons Proliferation.  Amie was at the Dept. of Defense, and Vince was at the Commerce Dept. at the time.

Under George W. Bush, Vince served in the Department of Defense as Deputy Undersecretary for information Technology Security.

Joan, Vince’s wife could be found helping Katia Bullock and others at registration tables for Montgomery County Lincoln Day Dinners and County Conventions.  The DeCains organized an LD18 table, helping sell tickets and raising money for those events. 

In the last decade, Vince has honorably served as the Montgomery County Central Committee General Counsel and Parliamentarian always ready to help when called.  Vince’s service was recognized at the January Central Committee meeting when he was awarded the title, “General Counsel and Parliamentarian Emeritus” of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee. 

Vince and Joan are parents of four children, and the proud grandparents of ten grandchildren.   Their household is run by their five dogs!  They love Maryland and enjoy the fruits of their garden, and the abundant fresh produce grown in their home state. 

Thank you, Vince DeCain for your patriotism and faithful service to the Republican Party.


Karol Smith is a writer and member of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee

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