By Stacey Sauter


I’d just sat down to lunch last week when, out of the blue, I received a phone call from someone I know who immediately launched into a tirade about receiving a postcard from the Biden campaign.

“Why aren’t you Republicans doing this?” she ranted. “I did not get one piece of mail from you before the primary. No wonder the Democrats have taken over here!” She’s an independent who leans right, so I was grateful to hear her ire over the Democrats, but my wrath was rising with accusations that the MCGOP wasn’t doing anything. Plus, the piece she received was from a national campaign with scads more money.

 “You need to bring in some high-profile influencers. A celebrity, who will energize the people, especially younger ones. Really get their attention,” she went on, mentioning a few artists. “Any good contacts?” I responded, knowing personally how difficult it is to book speakers for our events, let alone Drake or Lil’ Wayne.

I then explained how we’d recently held our county convention and that former ICE Director, Tom Homan, and Sebastian Gorka, a well-known former Senior Advisor to Trump, both spoke and that we had over 200 attendees. While neither performed hip-hop, they did give crowd-pleasing and rousing speeches.

“Why didn’t I know about the convention? Why wasn’t it advertised?”

I explained that the exorbitant cost of direct mail requires us to either own a productive oil well or a cobalt mine. So we send out a digital newsletter each week to over 20,000 Republicans in MOCO.

“But why aren’t people out knocking on doors?” she persisted.

“We are,” I replied. “A lot of us go out on a regular basis.  And you know,” I added, “We’d love for you to join us.”

As my lunch sat staring at me, I realized that in spite of her criticisms, there wasn’t a single gesture from her to make a difference in a meaningful way. I repeatedly told her that we’d deeply appreciate a contribution, and that I’d make sure she received our newsletter – which is free.

And so I ask all of you faithful readers and volunteers, if you encounter folks like this who are angry and feel that Montgomery County is lost, please tell them there is a thriving GOP home base here. And just because we can’t do everything, this doesn’t stop us from doing what we can. We have plenty of volunteer opportunities such as serving on our Central Committee; working at the polls; door knocking; stuffing envelopes and goody bags for our many special events; working registration at those events; writing articles for our newsletter -- the list goes on and we welcome an opportunity to get to know new people!

And, last but not least, they can make a donation to the MCGOP. We might not be able to afford a gusher in Texas. But we might have something to gush about when more Republicans win elections because we have enough money for those direct mail pieces, plus digital and broadcast advertising! So don’t be shy about asking. Tell them to go to www.mcgop.com to sign up for our newsletter, and to please make welcome contributions of time, treasure, and talent! Then they’ll truly know how hard we are working to make a difference – and that they can make one, too.


Stacey Sauter is the MCGOP Vice Chair, former candidate for delegate for Legislative District 15, and a REALTOR. She can be reached at [email protected].

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