Ag Fair Fun, Friends, New Faces

By Laura Benson

The MCGOP had a highly successful week at the 74th Montgomery County Agricultural Fair and we thank all of you who stopped by to visit. We were there to encourage people to get involved and help us continue our quest towards positive change and outcomes at the local and state levels. We greeted thousands who passed our tent; raised awareness of the MCGOP and the 2T petition; met many new people of various faiths, ethnicities and political affiliations; and of course, got an earful from angry and frustrated MoCo residents and taxpayers. Some of the most popular questions were 1) How can I sign the 2T Petition?; 2) What is going on with MCPS?; 3) Why don’t the Democrats have a tent at the Fair? (because they are broke, owe the IRS back taxes and have a leadership crisis?); and, 4) Did you ever think you would see such corruption in our government?

A family at the MoCo Ag Fair having fun with face-masks of the Presidents

The week was filled with both familiar and new faces and we did our best to encourage each other and share a laugh. There were also those moments that make time stand still such as the visiting Brazilian family each asking for a flag and then chanting “USA, USA” and a family whose three children serenaded us with the Star-Spangled Banner. We also were visited by some very impressive young conservatives who are trying to figure out these strange times and expressed how the school system has let them down. The good news is that they are very focused on charting their own path forward and not letting the social justice static deter them. TELL ME MORE>

Montgomery County Republican Party