By Tracey Humphrey
Three important reasons for registering as a poll worker include fulfilling a civic duty, helping to ensure the integrity of the election process, and allowing for transparency in the election process. Because free and fair elections are the basis for sustained confidence in the peaceful transfer of power within our Constitutional Republic system, it is the duty and responsibility of every American to ensure fair and free elections for eligible United States citizens in order to maintain trust and confidence in our “for and by the people” government structure.
First, fulfilling the civic duty of poll working requires being well informed, trained, sufficiently educated, and honest. Taking part in the election process as a poll worker helps ensure the smooth operation of elections. Second, poll workers ensure the integrity of the election process. Poll workers contribute to the integrity and security of our election processes by performing critical functions such as maintaining the chain-of-custody of ballots and reconciling the number of voters checked in with the number of ballots cast at their assigned polling site. Finally, poll workers ensure transparency of the election process because they usually work in bipartisan teams and swear an oath to uphold election laws and protect the security of the election.
Because the 2020 presidential election has been revealed to be anything but a free and fair election, as evidenced by some claims of significant voter fraud proven and substantiated in a few courts, we must rally together to legally fight the tyrannical forces at play. Having a full complement of Republican poll workers is an important way in which we can help preserve our Constitutional Republic. Because poll workers are essential to running free and fair elections, I am sounding the “All Hands-on Deck” alarm.
All hands-on deck is an emergency distress call used by sailors on military naval vessels as well as coast guard boats, and civilian sea craft. This call is used to assemble the sailors (a.k.a. Hands), midshipmen, and officers to the deck of the boat in order to do whatever is necessary to safely navigate the ship through the storm. The 2024 election cycle is a dangerous and menacing storm that requires all Republican hands-on deck.
If this storm is not successfully navigated by Republicans across the country, then this election cycle could be the proverbial beginning of the end of our once great God-fearing Republic. If Democrats are allowed to cheat and steal the 2024 election like they stole the 2020 election, then we will deserve whatever terrible outcomes befall us. Our failure to act legally in an aggressive way by speaking out against the ever-increasing tyranny and lawlessness will have dire consequences for our country and the world.
One way to fight in a legally aggressive manner is to ensure there are enough trained republican poll workers and election judges. Having ample republican poll workers is very important. When there are no republican poll workers and election judges, the spots are filled by an independent, an unaffiliated, or in a worst-case scenario, a democrat. The worst-case scenario is a frequent occurrence.
Because elections have consequences, we must band together and fight against the tsunami of lies, corruption, PSYOP, and election interference. Let us lead by example and be the change we want to see.
To find out how to become a poll worker or election judge, attend our Saturday, January 20, 2024 1:00 p.m. poll worker briefing at the MCGOP Headquarters, 15833 Crabbs Branch Way, Rockville, MD 20855. Gilberto Zelaya PhD, CERA, Community Engagement/Public Relations Officer from the Montgomery County Board of Elections is our Special Guest Speaker. This event is sponsored by the Upper Montgomery Republican Women’s Club. To save your seat, please RSVP, to [email protected], by January 18th.
Tracey Humphrey is a Member of the Maryland Republican Central Committee of Montgomery County.