April 2018 Let's Talk Politics

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Roger Aronoff, Executive Director and Editor of the Citizens Committee on National Security.  A former Editor of Accuracy in Media, Executive Director of the Citizens Committee for Benghazi, and has worked as a journalist, TV producer writer and distributor.  Roger will speak about the U.S. - Israeli Alliance and its National Security Implications.
Stephen Patten, Maryland State Director for The Convention of States. Steve presented House Joint Resolution #5  in Annapolis on Monday, March 4, 2019. He is asking our support to learn about our rights to amend the Constitution, as our elected officials in Congress are not doing the job we elected them to do for us. We all need to learn about what happens at a Convention of States, and how proposed amendments are ratified and then become part of the Constitution. It cannot throw out the Constitution because its authority is derived from the Constitution.
Hans Von Spakovsky, Senior Fellow at the Heritage Foundation, Former FEC Commissioner and DOJ lawyer.  He is also an authority on a wide range of issues including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, and the rule of law and government reform. Hans will speak about how the effort to abandon the Electoral College is gaining steam. The state of Maryland is already pushing a bill to go it alone and to pledge our electoral votes to whoever wins the popular vote nationwide, regardless of how the people of Maryland vote.


April 09, 2019 at 6:30pm - 8:30pm
Private Home
12437 Ansin Circle Dr
Potomac, MD 20854
United States
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