I Attended Biden's "I HATE REPUBLICANS" Rally
By Brigitta Mullican
It was August 25, 2022, when I attended the President Joe Biden Rally in Rockville. I received an earlier email about this rally. I registered to attend. the rally because as an alumnus of Richard Montgomery High School I was very curious about what would be said. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) rented the high school for the event and being the open-minded Republican that I am, I decided to attend. I wanted to hear how the President planned to unite the country
During his speech, President Biden referred to me and other Republicans as “MAGA” (Make America Great Again) Republicans” in an offhanded derogatory way. The President discussed his party and their “values,” and how MAGA Republicans don’t share those values. I have noticed that he and others in the Democratic leadership often will talk about the “will of the people,” and the importance of the Constitution. Their actions shows something else.
Mr. President, as proud MAGA Republicans, we DO believe in freedom, democracy, the rule of law, and the Constitution. During your time in the office, Mr. President, the American people have seen how YOU and the democrat party leadership don’t believe in the rule of law (take for example the actions of Antifa, or BLM who are free to burn and loot); YOU and the democrat party leadership appear to not believe in the Constitution, which easily gets subverted (this was highlighted during the COVID pandemic) for a political purpose; YOU and the democrat party leadership don’t truly believe in freedom either as we see the suppression of speech that doesn’t comport with what is coming out of the administration (i.e., Big Tech working with the Administration to suppress COVID information). In sum, this “unity speech was one filled with gaslighting and misinformation – or lies.
The event included House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Representative Jamie Raskin; Senator Ben Cardin, and the Democratic nominees for Governor, Wes Moore, and his lieutenant Governor, Aruna Miller. All of these democratic leaders regurgitated the same talking points. Wes Moore spoke about himself, and NOT what he would do for Marylanders if elected.
The speakers opined about the so-called “great” Democrat “accomplishments” of the past eighteen months: “The Inflation Reduction Act,” “The Infrastructure Act” and gun reform laws. All were touted as great accomplishments and President Biden even bragged to the crowd that none of these passed with even one Republican “yes’ vote. Hardly a unifying message.
The subject of women’s rights drew great applause from the crowd. Jamie Raskin asked the crowd to thank Kansas for their vote on women’s reproductive rights. He also mentioned their accomplishment of climate “rescue” and lower prescription prices. Raskin shouted to the crowd, “we are the party of democracy and freedom; of women’s pro-choice; the party of the labor movement; to organize living wages; a party of Medicare and Medicaid and the party of science. Raskin made fun of the Banana Republic Party - hardly a unifying message and he concluded by saying the Democrats will all rise together, have free and fair elections (HR 1 comes to mind as anything but that); stand for teachers, doctors, firefighters, police and climate change. He concluded by saying ‘we stand for democracy and freedom. Quite the performance in gaslighting and hardly unifying.
The loudest applause of the evening when President Biden talked about what he did for the student debt relief plan, was a slap in the face to those who paid off student loans and to those who chose not to go to college due to lack of affordability. The Student Debt Relief Act is, in reality, the Student Shift Debt Relief. That shift will be borne by the American taxpayers, for whom President Biden has little regard.
President Biden told the crowd that he ‘underestimated how much damage the previous four years had done in terms of America’s reputation in the world and that party has ‘got to win’ in November. That statement is beyond ridiculous, given the horrible miscalculations and damage this administration has done since taking office.
President Biden concluded his remarks by reading, “it is our time, our decade. Republicans will not win in Maryland. Governor Hogan does not support gubernatorial candidate, Dan Cox. We will give Maryland something to believe, this is our time, and we leave no one behind (except if you’re a Republican, perhaps). We want Wes Moore to be the next Maryland Governor.’
President Biden’s speech was briefly interrupted by a protester who shouted out “you stole the election.’ He was quickly shut down and escorted out. As he was leaving, he held up two fingers on each hand in a “V” (Nixon style) and took a brief bow. I thought it was funny and I couldn’t help but think that I was not the only conservative in the crowd.
In conclusion, I was very disappointed in the Rockville Rally but glad I was able to first-hand hear what the media would report. I heard no unity in the Rally.
Brigitta Mullican, a former candidate for Mayor of Rockville is the Treasurer of the Republican Party of Montgomery County Maryland.