Build our Party

We must BUILD OUR PARTY - How To Get Involved In The GOP

By Dwight Patel

In order to win elections in 2022, we need to have all hands on deck. Many members of our central committee, and other local activists, have participated in MCRCC committees. That is one way to build our party. The Republican Party is a big tent party. We need all hands on deck and there are numerous other ways, both for those on and off the committee, to get involved in building our party. Party Building can be anything from buying a ticket to a party event like the Red, White and Blue or Lincoln-Reagan Dinner to attending a republican club meeting.

There are the district clubs like in LD-15, who just had a Preakness fundraiser that was a huge success. There are our Republican Women’s clubs, they never fail to bring out a large crowd. There is the Montgomery County Republican Club, their First Thursday with Barry Glassman is coming up and is sure to be a good time. And last but not least, the College Republicans and Young Republicans bring new energy to our party.

If a club is not for you, that’s okay too. There are MCRCC members and volunteers that serve on State Party Committees, like Grassroots, Credentials, Bylaws, Technology and Rules.  These are all party building activities, as they say many paths lead to the mountain top, there isn’t just one road. The important thing is we need YOU, all of you, to get involved.


Dwight Patel is a Member and former vice-chair of the Montgomery County Republican Party Central Committee.

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