Candidate Support!

By Dennis Melby

The November general election is less than two months away and efforts are really ramping up for the candidates, including the need for donations and volunteers!  Anyone with Facebook or Twitter has seen the various campaigns posting pictures of their supporters knocking on doors, waving signs and greeting voters at recent parades, county fairs and so on. 

With that in mind, I was struck by a welcome development in what was otherwise a contentious July primary election season.  One of the few exceptions to acrimony was the primary for Congress in the redrawn 6th District, between Washington County State Delegate Neil Parrott and Montgomery County's very own investigative journalist Matthew Foldi.  They were among the few candidates to actually embrace Ronald Reagan's famous 11th commandment - Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican - especially their opponent.  For the most part this was as respectable - dare I say "adult" - campaign as we have seen in many years, with each focusing on the issues and the Democratic incumbent - and not each other.
While Neil brought name recognition and long-time supporters from his 2020 Congressional run and local races, Matthew mobilized hundreds of Young Republicans and first-time voters behind him, along with a host of local and national GOP leaders endorsing him - including House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, former CIA and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, as well as a dozen sitting members of Congress --  even Donald Trump Jr and Gov. Hogan (when was the last time those two agreed on anything??).
With that level of party support, you might think that coming in second to Neil on July 19 would have ended his politicking, at least for this cycle - but those of us in Montgomery County know that Matthew is no quitter.  When he said that David Trone had to go, he meant it - even if it wasn't going to be his name on the ballot on November 8.  
And so, I was, frankly, tickled RED - or in this case GREEN - when I saw post after post of Matthew Foldi actively campaigning alongside Neil and wearing the trademark green Parrott for Congress T-Shirt these past few weeks.  That's how it's supposed to work folks - you bury the proverbial hatchet, and more Republicans could learn from Matthew, who has a bright future ahead of him in Maryland. 
He is even co-hosting a fundraiser for Neil on September 14th at Pike and Rose - with Gov. Bob Ehrlich as the special guest - see the announcement below. 
  Dennis Melby is the Vice Chair of the Montgomery County Maryland Republican Party.
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