Chairman's Message January 2021
Where do we go from here?
I have to imagine that is a question going through of lot of Republicans minds these days. Especially Montgomery County Republicans who are outnumbered four to one and have no representation in county government. With businesses still shuttered, schools still closed, and facing the largest tax increase in recent history…what comes next?
We get moving and we get doing!
Let’s recognize we are in a rebuilding year. We need to embrace our basic values as Republicans, take time to strengthen our structural foundations, identify key issues and present basic, common sense, solutions that will benefit ALL voters in Montgomery County.
My goal is to develop a platoon of like-minded people that can work together to push conservative values forward and to leverage the talent and passion that we have in the MCGOP and our trusted clubs and associations for the benefit of the MCGOP. I plan to develop committees centered on specific issues, push people to become engaged with topics / committees that they are passionate about and get the message out and the job done. It is also one of my goals to utilize technology like never before, and connect and engage with voters from all sides of the Republican aisle.
I want to thank everyone for the honor and privilege to serve as the new Chair of the Montgomery County Central Committee. I know we have a lot of work to accomplish ahead, and I am very excited and ready to see what we can accomplish together. We have so many committed Republicans, many of whom I have spoken to and engaged with over the last few months, and I believe if we work together as a team and not lose sight of our goals we can push the county Republican party to new prominence.
I’d like to hear what you think; write to me at [email protected].
Reardon Sullivan, PE
Montgomery County Republican Central Committee