Chairman's May Message on Optimism

As Republicans, we have to feel optimism, growth and progress, that is who we are. We struggle every day to make our voices heard, work to grow our businesses, protect our families and support or neighbors. We simply ask that our representatives don’t remove police protection from our schools, don’t put severe tax burdens on everyday people struggling to recover the strongest economy in decades, educate and not indoctrinate our children and don’t to turn religions, races and income levels against each other for what you perceive as political benefit. We are all Americans and we need to do better.

We continue to speak out with common sense and insight, yet the mainstream media and social media pervert the truth and present a slanted view. However, in our hearts we know that people listen to the truth. Our instincts and common sense point to watching people retreat from fashionable “ideas de jour” and make the journey back to personal responsibility, accountability and the constitution. Our experience tells us when things like: crime, government overreach, overspending, identity politics, public safety and taxation…get too far out of control people finally realize and draw back.  So yes, we remain optimistic.

We are looking for candidates to fill many state, local and municipal offices. Anyone looking to run for office or function as a candidate treasurer, please contact Ann Hingston [email protected]

Plus, it’s May! A great month, and our Republican newsletter is full of invites, columns and club activities as we come out of the year of covid and onto a new paradigm.

  • Sign up to the webinar on The Real Asian Hate
  • Read about our local hero Josiah Henson – and visit the park dedicated to him
  • Enjoy our holidays, and finally have a great and back-to-normal Memorial Day
  • Completion of upgrades at our headquarters building
  • May is Asian Pacific Islander month, read about our fellow citizens, great leaders and their diverse experiences

Your Party is rapidly having events and activities, come join us. I’d love to hear from you, with ideas and suggestions. Email me at [email protected]

Enjoy the beginning of Summer!

Reardon “Sully” Sullivan, PE

MCGOP Chairman

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