Election Season 2022

Election Season is Just Beginning!

By Ann Hingston

Our terrific Republican nominees must now go to work and engage, seek media attention and public opportunities to introduce themselves to voters of all parties. Let’s help them.

One predictable obstacle is overcoming the Democrat narrative that the 2022 election is over because Democrats outnumber Republicans in Montgomery County. It is a statement the media uses often to justify their lazy habit of ignoring Republican candidates and their shameful neglect of informing county residents that they do indeed have choices in the General Election.

It is time we call out the media and naysayers who say the election is over. Let’s provide them with some significant facts:

77% of eligible voters did not vote in the July primary. An unofficial tally of county primary voters indicates that of the total of 674,603 registered voters (as of June 1) only some 156,000 voted in the primary, that is only 23% of those eligible to vote. Broken down it appears only some 135,471 Democrats (30%) and 19,559 Republicans (20%) voted in their primaries.

Unaffiliated voters haven’t voted. There are some 160,000 Unaffiliated and Other voters who could not vote in July’s closed primaries for County Executive, Council or General Assembly. They make up a sizeable voting bloc important especially to Republican candidates in upcounty districts, such as new Council district 7 where 45% of registered voters are not Democrats.

So, a pox on those who say the election is over. Let’s show them by helping our exceptionally talented candidates meet non-Republicans concerned about the decline of the county. Host a gathering in your home, backyard, local park to introduce our candidates around. To stop our county’s downward trajectory created by Marc Elrich and his County Council, we must engage residents of all parties to vote Republican in the General Election.

Republican Primary Victors

We are proud to announce the winners in the 2022 Republican Primary. For more information on our
terrific candidates go to HERE>

Montgomery County Government
County Executive: Reardon “Sully” Sullivan
Council At Large: Christopher Fiotes, Lenard Lieber, Dwight Patel
Council District 2: Dan Cuda
Council District 3: George Hernandez
Council District 4: Cheryl Riley
Council District 5: Kate Woody
Council District 7: Harold Maldonado

Maryland General Assembly
Legislative District 9
Senate: Reid Novotny
Delegates: Trent Kittleman, Jenny Zeng
Legislative District 14
Senate: Alex Bieber
Delegates: Kathy Gugulis, Kate Walshe
Legislative District 15
Senate: David Wilson
Delegates: Jodi Colella Noah, Stacey Sauter, Matt Wade
Legislative District 17
Senate: Scott Gershman
Delegates: Helene Meister, Don “DP” Patti
Legislative District 18
Senate: Missy Carr
Delegate: George Cecala
Legislative District 19
Senate: Raul Ayala
Delegate: Dr. Frank Nice

The Republican Primary elected the following candidates to serve on the Montgomery County
Republican Central Committee from November 2022 to November 2026

At-Large: Brad Botwin, Patsy Dillingham, Mary Fairbanks, Laurie Halverson, Ann Guthrie Hingston, Lori
Jaffe, Dennis Melby
District 9A: Patricia Fenati
District 14: Laura Benson, Joseph Gillin, Tracey Humphrey, Anne Koutsoutis
District 15: Anthony Michael Coomes, Del Lamiman, William Richbourg, Bradley St. Rohrs, Reardon
District 16: Marcus Alzona, Paul Foldi, James Montgomery Gingery, Chris Haas, Ana M Rhea
District 17: Paul Agle, Jennifer Ellington, Martha Hale, Brigitta Mullican, Josephine Wang
District 18: Missy Carr, Grace McNicholas, Dolores Reyes, Jean Alexandra Tuttle, Amy Waychoff
District 19: Bob Fenichel, Hessie Harris, Frank Nice, Jeffrey Rubin, Martha Schaerr
District 20: Jamie Greedan, I. William Zartman
District 39: Candice Clough, Amy D’Elia, Greg Decker, Bill Ott, Al Phillips

Outcome of the 2022 Board of Education Primary

The members of the county Board of Education are elected countywide in a non-partisan contest listed on all primary ballots. The two candidates who receive the most votes in each contest advance to compete in the November General Election. Unlike previous elections the Maryland State Education’s PAC did not endorse on its Md Apple Ballot any incumbent school board member but chose instead to endorse newcomers. The unofficial results of the July primary indicate that the following persons will compete against each other in the November General Election:

School Board At-Large: Michael Erickson and Karla Silvestre (incumbent Board Vice President)
School Board District 1: Grace Rivera Oven (MSEA endorsed) and Esther Wells
School Board District 3: Scott Joftus (incumbent) and Julie Yang (MSEA endorsed)
School Board District 5: Valerie Coll (MSEA endorsed) and Brenda Wolff (incumbent Board President)



 Ann Hingston is a Member of the Montgomery County Republican Central Committee

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