File Under "GEE, YA THINK?"

They Made Theft and Hard Drugs Legal

Bay Area mayors join move to walk back Prop 47 and crack down on thefts and drugs

Democrat San Francisco Mayor London Breed on Thursday joined other major-city leaders from her party supporting a California ballot initiative that would increase penalties for certain retail theft and drug crimes, according to the San Francisco Chronicle. Proposition 47 was a ballot measure approved by California voters in a state-wide referendum in 2014 that reduced the penalties for property crime by reclassifying some felonies, such as shoplifting and grand theft, as misdemeanors. After a large increase in such crimes in recent years, a campaign to repeal Proposition 47 is underway, which Breed, as well as Democrat Mayors Matt Mahan of San Jose and Todd Gloria of San Diego, have endorsed, the Chronicle reported.

Even the Left Coast gets realistic. Do you think they could contact the all-Democrat Montgomery County government?

Montgomery County Republican Party