Help Maryland Republicans

If House Democrats get their way, driving is about to get a lot more expensive in Maryland. 

Under HB1070 and SB362, passed by Democrats in the House over the last few days, tolls are projected to increase by hundreds of millions of dollars, the sales tax on cars sold in Maryland will increase from 6% to 6.5%, the vehicle sales tax will now be applied to trade-ins, vehicle registration fees will increase, speed camera violation fees will increase, and Uber rides will come with an extra 75 cent fee.  

That doesn’t even include the upcoming annual automatic gas tax increase that Democrats have preserved by blocking Republican’s HB1025

These tax, fee, and toll increases will come straight out of Marylanders pockets and disproportionately affect the rural and suburban citizens of our state.  It should not be on you to pick up the bill because Governor Moore and Democrat leadership cannot control their spending.

For Marylanders already struggling under the strain of Bidenomics, these tax, toll, and fee increases will be financially devastating for every driver. 
Although these bills have passed the House, you can still make your voice heard in the Senate. Click the button below for a full list of the Senators that you can contact to make your OPPOSITION heard: 
List of Senators
You can also make a contribution to the Maryland Republican Party and give us the resources to spread the word and get these Democrat legislators out of office in the next election: 
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For Marylanders already struggling under the strain of Bidenomics, these tax, toll, and fee increases will be financially devastating for every driver. 
Although these bills have passed the House, you can still make your voice heard in the Senate. Click the button below for a full list of the Senators that you can contact to make your OPPOSITION heard: 
List of Senators
You can also make a contribution to the Maryland Republican Party and give us the resources to spread the word and get these Democrat legislators out of office in the next election: 
Donate Here
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