While we toughed out the July heat, temperatures continue to rise in our communities due to policy decisions being made by County Executive Marc Elrich, the County Council and the Board of Education.

Here are a few of the HOT topics:

Property tax increase effective July 1. Despite complaints from residents, Realtors and business owners, the 4.7% increase was approved - and then we were told how much money residents saved since it wasn’t the 10% increase proposed by the County Executive Marc Elrich! We have voiced concern about the excessive budget spending, the lack of fiscal discipline and how we will hear the same story again next year about a budget deficit. MCGOP opposed the property tax increase, double digit recordation tax increase and a huge increase in impact taxes.

School Board Denies Parents Rights. The MCPS Board of Education is not allowing parents to opt their children out of classes and books relating to sexuality and gender. There have been three rallies to protest this decision and MCGOP has been there to support the parents.  

Rising Crime. Residents are becoming increasingly concerned about vandalism, assaults, car jackings and shoplifting---much of which is committed by young teens. How can this get turned around with the soft-on-crime laws enacted at the state level and a reduced police force in our county? We must all continue to speak up (call, write and show up at hearings). MCGOP “Backs the Blue” and continues to push for policies that help law enforcement do their job.

Road Diet “Driving” Motorists Mad. The road diet includes converting car lanes to bike lanes. If you have driven down Old Georgetown Road or through downtown Silver Spring, you experience what the road diet has done for the motorist--frustration, confusion and traffic jams during rush hour. MCGOP ran ads in MoCo 360 and on social media to put the spotlight on $80M in the county budget for bike lanes.

Taxpaying residents are frustrated and that is reflected in our declining population (even after counting the illegal migrants arriving). The direction of this county needs to change. We ask for your support so we can continue to push back and fight for common sense policies and a sustainable direction for MoCo.  Please donate now and let us know if you will volunteer.  

With Gratitude

MCGOP Finance Chair

Contact me at: [email protected]

Montgomery County Republican Party