The decision made in Colorado to remove President Trump's name from all state ballots in 2024 isblatantpolitical persecution, by unelected judges, against the leading candidate to be the next President of the United States. This is not a decision based on the Constitution, the law, or any kind of justice. It is a decision toprevent citizens from getting a chance to voteand elect him again.
It isthe most basic principle of democracythatyouhave the right to decide whom youvote for. That right does not belong to Susan Lee or any other government official. Sign the petition below to make you voice heard and oppose the Moore Administration removing President Trump from the ballot in 2024.
No matter what candidate you are supporting, what you think of President Trump, or what political party you are a member of, we can all agree that this is not right, andthis isnothow America works. If political activists want to keep the former President from getting elected again, they should beat him at the ballot box, fair and square. Using our courts as political weapons to take out opponents isdangerous, undemocratic, and deplorable.
With all of that in mind, it should come asno surprisethat the Democrat leadershipin Maryland is considering doingthe same thing. Governor Wes Moore's Secretary of State, Susan Lee, will be announcing next month whether she willbar President Trump from appearing on the ballot in Maryland.
It isthe most basic principle of democracythatyouhave the right to decide whom youvote for. That right does not belong Susan Lee or any other government official. Sign the petition below to make you voice heard and oppose the Moore Administration removing President Trump from the ballot in 2024.
Thismadnesswill go on as long as Democrats are allowed to stay in positions of power and lawmaking. Please consider giving a donation toyour Maryland Republican Partyso that we can replace them with good conservative leaders.