Local Republicans In The News

Local Republicans are very active. Check out these folks recently in the news.

Montgomery Residents & Judicial Watch sue Montgomery County Executive

Local Republicans Sharon Bauer and Richard Jurgena have sued Montgomery County Executive Marc Elrich to stop the County from giving tax money to residents here illegally.  The lawsuit is being handled by Judicial Watch

Bauer is the President of the Montgomery County Federation of Republican Women and Jurgena is a former Republican Central Committee Chair.

Click here to read a write-up from Bethesda Magazine.

Brigitta Mullican is a former candidate for Rockville City Council and a member of the Potomac Republican Women's Club.

Brigitta Mullican, Patch Mayor

The Rockville Mask Sewing Team

By Kathy Raines

My hometown hero is Brigitta Mullican, a longtime resident of Rockville, Maryland.  She was inspired to sew masks when we all heard about the mandate to wear masks to grocery stores and other essential brick and mortar businesses.  She was also motivated by numerous friends, neighbors, and acquaintances who started donating fabric, elastic, lining and thread; many on Nextdoor and her Facebook page!  She made it work with all her donated supplies and at one point when there a shortage of elastic, she sewed ties on the masks.

Brigitta had one Harley-Davidson mask that five people on FB wanted. That material came from a T-shirt donated by a neighbor. Over a six-week period, she has individually sewn more than 700 masks, has given away 195 of them to various people, two restaurants, several post office clerks, letter carriers, her Cricket agent, family, friends, neighbors, Meals on Wheels and Mocomaskmakers.  She is receiving $10 donations for adult masks and $5 for children’s masks. 

Brigitta’s masks have been requested by family and friends, including FB friends in ten states (AZ, FL, GA, SC, NC, VA, PA, NY, IL, and TX.) She had one request from Arizona, where she received a $50.00 check for the Gabriel Project for her highly requested cat mask. There were also many requests for Steelers, Capitals, Redskins, and Nationals masks. We love our sports teams. So far, Brigitta has received notes from Manna Food, Wheels on Means, and the Gabriel Project, thanking her for her masks and continues to accept donations for these great charitable organizations. 

As long as there are requests, she will continue to sew! Brigitta inspired me to get involved to help deal with the boredom of the coronavirus crisis. I help cut fabric and distribute the finished products to friends who request these popular and washable masks.  When her sewing machine finally gave out (with a very bleak prospect of getting it repaired), I went digging in my closet and found my old machine so she could continue to fill orders.   She sews until 1:00 am or 2:00 am and then posts the masks on her FB page. Brigitta is MY HOMETOWN HERO, who is fulfilling an important need by volunteering and dedicating her time to helping both friends and strangers.  Her masks can be seen here.  [Click "Brigitta's photos" once on her Facebook page, if the mask pictures do not automatically load.]

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