Mental Health Service Takoma Park

A MCGOP Common Sense Proposal on The Proposed Drug and Mental Crisis Center.

There has been a lot of contentious talk between longtime residents of Seven Locks and County Bureaucrats and firm opposition by The Mayor and Council for Rockville that is well documented.

Why the diversion Center?  Rockville voters are concerned.

This Proposed Restoration Center, we know, should be located at the recently shuttered (April 2023 after Covid) Adventist Takoma Park Hospital shown above.

Why?  -IT IS THERE NOW!  It’s an existing 236 Bed Hospital with campus like area to purpose. There is nothing new to build or repurpose from scratch.

-it has been a hospital center for over 100 years and has the existing mission critical infrastructures in place. Ambulance, Parking, incorporate a Police Substation.

-It fits with Adventist’s Mission to help those in need in the County. It can be Contracted with them and managed with Police oversight and Mental Health Specialists. Hospital has a pharmacy facility already built.

--Most of the Drug Crisis and Intervention calls originate from Silver Spring and Wheaton Police Districts. Takoma Park Adventist Hospital site is also close to transportation lines like Takoma Metro Red Line, Purple Line, Ride on Routes-- for family and loved ones to transport.

As to Court House it can be done on Zoom, at the Police Substation there; doesn’t need to be in Rockville. The Courts would agree with that.

--There can be add on uses such as emergency shelter for women and children which is very underserved.

Write and Call your Councilmembers and Elrich and demand they get on with it and solve a problem today!!


Montgomery County Republican Party