Mink, Elrich and Transgender Activism

As you can see from the esteemed Councilwoman's T-shirt it says "empathy, compassion, inclusion, justice, kindness". Following protest by muslim, christian, and jewish families of faith against the policies of the eight Democrat women who run the Montgomery County Board of education regarding the mandatory trans-gender storytime instructions to students, the media reported in just one week of Montgomery County Councilmember Kristin Mink's comments admonishing "White Women," Zionist Jews and Muslims for being on the same side as "White Supremacists." She has since deleted those and many other "tweets". The comments were roundly condemned by most, but not all, of the Democrat establishment.

Pictured are Montgomery County Democrat Councilwoman Kristin Mink, a transvestite gentleman with the performing name of Bella Naughty who reads books to children about transitioning their genders, and Democrat County Executive Marc Elrich.

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