Oppose End of Life Act

By Brigitta Mullican

OPPOSE SB 443 - End of Life Options Act

Please oppose this end-of-life bill. As a Catholic, my faith calls me to respect all life, from birth to natural death. I request that you not approve these Bills.  How can helping someone die by drugs be considered “died by natural causes?”   It is inhuman to help someone die. We should have compassion and help each individual to be out of pain but not to kill.

I am very concerned about the push to legalize the dangerous practice of physician-assisted suicide in our state. Maryland has rejected similar bills multiple times. I am asking the committee to oppose MD SB 443 - End of Life Options Act.

Assisted suicide is a danger to Maryland. Allowing doctors to prescribe large and lethal doses of drugs with no protection to make sure those drugs don't end up in the wrong hands or on our streets puts us all at risk. 

I am concerned about the elderly, our veterans, people with disabilities, and those diagnosed with terminal illnesses who may be pressured to end their lives early if this becomes a so-called "option" in Maryland. At any given moment, we may find ourselves in a situation where we need others to care for us if we become sick, disabled, or elderly.  Our state should focus on making it easier to get quality treatment and care, not to end our lives.

My experience is that elderly people go through a period when they don’t want to live.  I experienced this with my mother.  I believe elderly people fear death and are lonely.  They sometimes feel they have nothing to live for. There are no reasons to assist someone to die.  They need nurturing and love.  Death should be natural.

Opponents are correct when they state the measure is dangerous and could enable vulnerable people to kill themselves, even if they are not terminally ill. There is a constitutional right to life.

Please protect all Marylanders from this extreme legislation SB 443 - End of Life Options Act.  Be compassionate and respect life.


Brigitta Mullican is a Member of the Central Committee of the Montgomery County Republican Party, and a former candidate for Mayor and City Council in Rockville, Maryland.

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