Republican Club of Leisure World
Next Meeting March 20
by Bob Kammer - [email protected]
Although John Teichert, former Senatorial Candidate, did not appear at the February meeting, we had a spirited presentation with Lou Peck, a long time political reporter in Montgomery County and on Capital Hill. You should have been there!
We have reached out several times to ask Gov Hogan, candidate for the US Senate, to make a presentation at our March meeting. We have used all of the contact points on his State Board of Election post, several times. As of press time we have had no response!
We do have Brenda M. Diaz, a candidate for the Montgomery County School Board scheduled to speak at our March 20th meeting. This year there a number of candidates for the three contested seats available this cycle. We are expecting copies of this year’s “blue book” (as opposed to the teachers union’s Apple Ballot) of endorsed candidates shortly and will have them available at future meetings.
We meet at 1:30 PM on the third Wednesdays of each month In the Chesapeake Room of Club House I. Be there to meet other Republicans from the Leisure World community. Contrary to what the Dem’s would have you believe, WE ARE NOT ALONE!
We have reached out to the remaining candidates for the US Senate to be with us at the April Meeting, just before the May Primary.