By Stacey Sauter

The Maryland State Republican Party held its first quarterly meeting of the year in Nottigham (Baltimore County) on Saturday, March 16th.  Here are some highlights:

  • The RNC National Convention is being held at the Baird Center in Milwaukee, July 14th-18th. Maryland State Committeeman, Dave Bossie, is one of the leading organizers of event, and has secured the Hilton Garden Inn Suites for our entire delegation. The hotel is within walking distance of the convention center. Packages to the event will be sold through the Maryland State GOP. Details are still being worked out, so stay tuned for upcoming links.
  • The Maryland State GOP Spring Convention is being held on May 17th-18th at the Hager Hall Convention & Event Center 901 Dual Highway, Hagerstown. A block of hotel rooms are reserved at the Hampton Inn Hagerstown.  To purchase tickets for the event go to:
  • The state of Maryland is in full play this year on the federal level. We are highly competitive in the U.S. Senate race to replace retiring Senator Ben Cardin, and Congressional District Six is considered within reach of a GOP victory. Both the National Republican Senatorial Committee and the National Republican Congressional Committee are committing stepped-up resources to these races. Still, it’s a call to arms for all Maryland Republicans to get involved by voting in the primary and then doing all that you can in the general election to get our GOP nominees elected.
  • One way to help is to host a “House Party” for fundraising purposes. If you are interested in hosting an event at your own home, please reach out to the MD State GOP at [email protected]. Even small events can make a big difference!
  • Poll workers and election observers are being recruited across the state – particularly here in Montgomery County. We need teams of two – a Republican and a Democrat – to observe the handling of the mail-in ballots, plus workers to help at polling places on election day. If you are interested in this, please go to


Stacey Sauter is the Vice Chair of the Republican Party of Montgomery County, Maryland.

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