2024 will be a great year for the Republican party. America needs a change.
- We're going to take back the White House.
- We're going to take back the United States Senate.
- And we're going to have enough of a majority in the US House of Representatives that we don't have to elect a new speaker every six months!
And we’re gonna start that by electing a Republican congressmember in the Sixth Congressional District. We have five great candidates who are working hard, and we’re going to help the nominee.
We have so many groups, Hispanic Republicans, Young Republicans, so many folks are coming to the Republican Party because of disenchantment with the Democrats and their policies on illegal immigration, inflation, CRT and sex confusion in the public schools and tax and spend policies of local government. You can tell the turnout will finally bring the county and the country back to reality.
You're part of the solution. Sign up for the mail-in ballot to bank your vote, volunteer to work with Greg Decker. Volunteer to be involved with the Party with Lori Jaffe. Donate where you can - the Young Republicans this month are looking for help.
Sign up for our next event, the MCGOP Lunar New Year Celebration.
Thanks for being a great American. I'm happy you're with us.
Dennis Melby
MCGOP Chairman
PS. Check out this video on the "Ungreen" movement in MoCo
Tell us what you think at [email protected]