U.S. Labor Market Added 1.8 Million Jobs since President Trump Took Office;
Consumer Comfort Index Reached 10-year High in 2017

  • Since President Trump took office, the unemployment rate has decreased from 4.8 percent to 4.1 percent, a 17-year low.
  • The U.S. economy has also added 1.8 million jobs since President Trump took office.
  • The Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index averaged 50 in 2017, the highest yearly average since 2001.
  • The December, 2017 jobs report has been praised and includes a number of strong indicators of economic health.
  • Over 100 companies and counting have pledged to offer bonuses, pay raises, and benefits increases after Republicans passed historic tax reform, a trend that is having a positive impact for many Americans and charities across the country.
  • The Christmas shopping season was the best in a decade, far exceeding expectations.
  • The Dow has topped 25,000, up 36 percent since President Trump was elected, "an incredible move in such a short period."
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