News Corner

Oppose the MoCo Proposal to Provide Free Legal Services to Illegal Aliens, Act NOW!

By Gail Weiss

Montgomery County's all-Democrat County Council demonstrated that it was up to its predictable tricks last week during a meeting on Tuesday evening in the County Council hearing room.

The Council, in a purely partisan appeasement of a Democrat special interest group - the illegal alien community -  is unanimously in favor of a Special Appropriation of about $375,000 to fund an outside organization to provide “free" legal services to illegal aliens in Montgomery County who find themselves facing deportation. And by “free” I mean that us citizens will pay for it with our tax dollars, as the funds come out of our county budget. You know, that same budget which had a $120 million dollar shortfall that forced departments county-wide to do some belt-tightening, despite the 8.7 % property tax increase, 33% recordation tax increase, the bag tax, the energy surcharge (tax) that was supposed to be temporary and is still in effect and the ever-(not) amusing “rain tax” which Governor Hogan repealed across the state, but which our dear county leaders have kept in place for us.

New Report on Montgomery County Economic Stats Shakes Up Election Season

By Mark Uncapher MCGOP Chairman

Montgomery County’s election season has been roiled by the release of a report on Montgomery County’s economic performance called “The Coming Storm: How Years of Economic Underperformance are Catching up with Montgomery County.”[1]  

Commissioned by a non-partisan group, Empower Montgomery, the study concludes that: “Montgomery County has already entered a downward fiscal spiral in which debt service gobbles up an ever-growing share of the local budget…Raising taxes to balance public needs with public resources would serve to further accelerate outmigration, slow business formation and impede tax base growth.”

MoCo Business Owner Speaks Out Against Council Propsal to Fund Legal Aid for Illegal Alliens

By Reardon Sullivan

Dear Existing Montgomery County Council:

I would like to lend my voice to that of Mr. McHugh [Mongtomery County Young Republicans Chair, emphasis added] in opposition to the Montgomery Council's proposed action to fund lawyers for illegal aliens.

I am a resident of Darnestown, homeowner and independent business owner for over 20 years employing 40 law abiding county resident.

Given the local economic climate per David Blair and the Washington Post article here, the idea that this County Executive and Council would use my tax dollars to fund legal cost for illegal is truly insane.  


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