News Corner

Dr. Politics – Legacy of Governor Robert Ehrlich

by Dwight Patel

_DSC7047.JPGI’m taking a little break from campaign advice to talk about Maryland’s first Republican governor during my lifetime.  In 2002, Robert Ehrlich ran for governor on a platform of fixing Maryland after 8 years of Parris Glendening who ran the state into the ground.  (What is it with these Democrat governors and running the states into the ground? It always takes a Republican to fix the mess created by Democrats).


Baltimore Public School Management Failures Shortchange Students

By Mark Uncapher

The Baltimore Schools Public School system was forced to close during the first days of this month because more than 60 of its buildings lacked heat.  The knee-jerk response of some partisans was to blame the Baltimore system’s woes on a “lack of funding.”

For example, the Maryland Democratic Party was quick to blame Governor Hogan for what they called his “callous disregard for the safety of Baltimore students.”  However, their shrill, over-the-top rhetoric withers under any form of scrutiny.

Democratic State Comptroller Peter Franchot noted that “Since I became Comptroller, I've voted to approve over $538 million for school capital funding for Baltimore City. It's infuriating that internal front office issues resulted in millions of HVAC project funds being reverted back to the state.”

Dr. Politics: Let’s Take a Look Back at 2017

By Dwight Patel

Now that 2017 is in the rear view mirror, let’s take a look back and examine some of the things you should have done by this time:

  • Should have identified the office you are planning to run for, or at least narrowed it down to possible offices. If you haven’t done so, you really need to focus on this goal. Please refer to Dr. Politics Issue No. 1 for a list of offices and their requirements.


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