News Corner

Memorial Day Request

Memorial Day is observed on the last Monday of May to honor the men and women who served in the U.S. military. For many, the holiday marks a time to visit a military cemetery or a war memorial in remembrance of those who served and fought to defend the freedom of America. For most people, Memorial Day marks the unofficial beginning of summer though we should take the time to explain the true meaning of the day to children and young adults and have a moment of reflection or prayer at gatherings with family and friends.  

If I may add one more request to that list, it is time for all of us to step forward and carry the torch of defending our freedom and liberty just as those brave women and men did who served our country.


Developers Install a Border Fence at Lakeforest Mall

Why did Lakeforest Mall in Gaithersburg close? Some folks have said it's because of the economy - yet Wheaton Mall and Montgomery Mall are still operating. Others say it was the incidence of violent crime at the Mall and surrounding Transit Center- involving murders, robberies, rape and assault. Was it competition from Amazon delivery or fear of crime and violence? Do you have faith in the county government to deal with it...or is everything just fine? Tell us what you think at [email protected]

Republicans Push Back on Tax Hike



May 21, 2023 MCGOP Central Committee

Contact: Stacey Sauter

[email protected]


Rockville, Md. – A coordinated Republican campaign throughout Montgomery County contributed to the Council’s ultimate decision to scale back a proposed property tax increase from 10% to 4.7%. The Montgomery County GOP, along with the Greater Capital Area Association of Realtors and Empower Montgomery, was a major opponent of County Executive Marc Elrich’s excessive, hoped-for tax. Between the testimony of former county executive candidate Reardon “Sully” Sullivan, and the pressure from phone calls, emails, and physical protests of Republican voters and other sensible citizens, the Council ultimately settled on a rate increase that was less than half what Elrich proposed in the 2024 budget.


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Montgomery County Republican Party