News Corner



We’re used to the County Executive and County Council knowing what’s best for us – even if we disagree. But with an arcane idea called BEPS (Building Energy Performance Standards), they want to eliminate choice and spend Granny into the poorhouse.

Under the guise of global warming, they want to decree that you may only have one source of energy, to cook, to heat, to cool and run your car. It’s an all-electric future they’ve declared for us, no matter whether you want it or not.

Apart from the Feds and the State mandating that your car or truck or school bus or delivery truck must be electric, they’re mandating that folks who live in high-rises must all convert to electric.  Yep, if you live in a big building built years ago it’s got to convert from gas or oil to electric, at a huge cost to each owner, or if a rental building the owner will pass that cost to you. Bye to your warm heat, bye to your gas stove. Bye to the money in your wallet.


MDGOP Update 2

We have just passed the halfway point in the 2024 Legislative Session, with about a month and a half left to go.  The next few weeks will be key for getting Republican priorities through committee, and stopping ill-advised Democrat bills from making it to the House or Senate floors. To make this happen, we need all of our top advocates testifying in hearings and contacting committee legislators to make their voices heard. 

Republican bills will be considered to repeal the current gas tax law, prohibit the proposed mileage taxes, increase penalties for violent offenders, protect school employees, and provide more information about gun law changes to the public.  

Meanwhile, Democrats are looking at giving illegal immigrants access to taxpayer-funded benefits, placing punitive taxes and cost-mandates on constitutionally-protected gun-owners, stripping parents of their rights, preventing accountability for crimes committed in schools, discussing tax and fee increases to pay for Governor Moore's reckless new spending plans, and working to kill the firearm industry.  See more below: 


Property crime and theft continue to rise in MoCo. Please be safe. Just within the last week:

  • An illegal immigrant stole a police service truck and crashed it into cars and people in Prince Georges and Montgomery, ending with a crash in White Oak. ICE is demanding he be remanded to them. 
  • A group of persons terrorized the employees and patrons of three CVS drug stores in Bethesda, Chevy Chase and Chevy Chase Lake, sweeping items off the shelves and stealing in bulk, time after time. The employees were threatened.

Please be safe, the county government is not on the side of the police so be aware of your environment. As more and more illegal immigrants come into our area they become a challenge for our housing, food resources, the school system and tax resources. While most simply want a better life, many are fleeing authorities in their home countries.


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