News Corner

Opioid Crisis Response? MoCo Legislators Back State Sanctioned “Drug Dens”

By Mark Uncapher

Earlier this month, Brian Griffith broke the story in Red Maryland of “Democrats and Heroin Houses.”[1]  At issue is the favorable action of a Maryland State Senate Committee on legislation to allow so-called “Supervised Drug Consumption” facilities to “provide a place for the consumption of pre-obtained drugs, provide sterile needles, administer first aid as needed, and provide certain other services.” [2]

The proposed law’s protections for “pre-obtained drugs” is worth further explanation.  It protects the possession of illegal drugs from prosecution.

Governor Hogan's Two Year Journey

Over the last three years,we've made incredible progress, but we're just getting started. Check out this powerful and moving video highlighting Governor Larry Hogan's first three years in office.

2018 MCGOP Convention Pictures

Some of the pictures from the 2018 MCGOP Convention held 2-3-2018.


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