News Corner

Time for Good Governance

It is time for Good Governance in Montgomery County

The rushed unanimous passage of Thrive 2050, a flawed master plan impacting the county for the next thirty years by a lame duck County Council was a sad day for democracy in our county.  Elected officials once again put ideology and the interests of their political friends ahead of common sense and the rights of county residents.

The Montgomery County Republican Party denounces the County Council for:

  • Failure to engage with and listen to concerns and suggestions of residents and major civic groups.

  • Ignoring the impact Thrive 2050 will have on our poorest communities whose residents will be priced out of their homes.

  • Passage of a master plan that jeopardizes residents’ property rights and property values.

  • Approval of a Master Plan developed by disgraced planning officials who repeatedly violated state and county transparency and public disclosure laws about their meetings and activities. The Council was content to take no action against the Chairman of the Planning Board and its members until media exposure disclosed their actions.

  • Rushing the appointment of a completely new County Planning board in the last days of the Council’s term.

We call upon County residents to hold their county officials accountable and to vote wisely for competent and common-sense County Executive and Council members.  Our county deserves officials who are transparent, who listen to residents, and who put public service and good governance ahead of political party.

It is time for good governance in Montgomery County!

The Republican Party of Montgomery County Maryland

Dr. Dogwistle

Let’s take advantage of the free publicity my Democrat opponent has just given to me in District 19.  He has renamed me Dr. Dogwhistle.  Here are some of his words that denigrate all the work I have done for the past forty plus years as a public health pharmacist working in local underserved Black and Hispanic communities and especially in Haiti,  In Haiti, I am affectionately called, Dr. Frank, but according to my opponent, no longer should be addressed that way.  As an aside, I have seen no proof of my opponent doing any on the ground work in any of these communities.

What “proof” does my opponent offer to support my new name that negates all I have done for over four decades?  Well, here is his proof:

Kamala's Hypocritical Equity Word Salad


By Hessie Harris

Kamala Harris has again displayed her case of verbal diarrhea. She recently stated that “equity” requires that the Florida search, rescue and renewal efforts be first directed to assisting “people of color”.  It was in one of her usual word salads that does not contain one cogent sentence.

She has not even been to the Southern Border which she was assigned to as Immigration Czar.  Therefore unless some entity is channeling information from Florida to her, it is safe to say, she does not have have the basis for making such statement.   She probably will not go to Florida unless she decides she needs to understand the “root causes of Ian”. 

Looking at her statement, one would think that she had just emerged from the earliest days of the 20th century or perhaps midway of the 19th.  

It is no secret that in natural disasters during those times, state aid to Blacks was often far less than given to Whites.  Because federal aid came through the states, Blacks were more than shortchanged there too.

That was then and this is now!  There is no reason to believe that federal, state, and local aid is being or will  be unevenly distributed.  When a reporter asked a Black victim of the hurricane on national television if he felt Blacks were being shortchanged, he very enthusiastically and loudly repeated the Governor’s name.  He then added that he would be voting for Governor DeSantis, even though he himself is a Democrat!

News reports from Florida show that DeSantis has been everywhere!  In directing the state’s response to the hurricane, he has been interacting with citizens; volunteers; community leaders; and government officials at all levels including Biden.

Kamala and other Leftists, supported by the mainstream media, work to keep “people of color” agitated and angry claiming that in one way or another, they are being cheated by federal, state and local government. Furthermore, she and her cohorts posture that the Democrats, Leftists, and elites are the champions and protectors of “the people of color”.

They and self-appointed social justice warriors collect money from Whites indoctrinated in assumed guilt for ancient crimes they did not commit but are made to feel they must atone for.   Supposedly, the collectors are to use the huge sums to end “systemic racism”, whatever that is or is purported to be.  But the bulk of the money never reaches those for whom it is intended.  All they get is a few trinkets, financed riots and protests as well as mounds of propaganda, verbal and written.   Black Lives Matter principals for example, railed against Whites for systemic racism and collected at least ninety million dollars in contributions of which they used huge amounts to purchase real estate in very wealthy White neighborhoods.  Apparently, they do not wish to live around poor “people of color” if they can have alternatives. 

Kamala certainly does not, as she unceremoniously ran away from the front of the Vice-Presidential mansion, when illegal aliens were dropped off there.

It is highly hypocritical then for her to pretend concern that “people of color” hurricane victims receive “mythical” equitable relief.


Hessie L. Harris begins her first term as a Member of the Maryland Republican Central Committee in November.


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