News Corner

Party Headquarters Spring Clean Up


Spring was in the air and our Republican leaders have been spritzing up the Headquarters to welcome folks back to real in-person events. Former Chairman Alexander Bush, along with Committee Members Jamie Greedan, Paul Agle, Martha Schaerr and Party Secretary Lori Jaffe spent a couple of days painting, plastering and fine tuning. Martha & Gene Schaerr provided extra plaster and electric work to get in shape, and new carpet was provided by great supporters. We can't wait for you to see it, and thanks to our dedicated and hard working volunteers.

Save the Filibuster

By Bill Richbourg

The legislative filibuster is one of several unique features of the Senate. The House of Representatives has representation based on population; the Senate has two senators per state. So, a state as small as Delaware has the same representation as California.

Remember, the Senate was intended to be the voice of the states, and minority rights matter here.

This Month's Joke

Want to hear a joke?

"No man's life, liberty or property are safe while the Legislature is in session."

1866 - Gideon Tucker

Do you have some pleasant and funny Republican humor? Send it to [email protected]. If we use it you'll get an MCGOP T-Shirt, suitable to wear to any restaurant that serves Republicans.


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Montgomery County Republican Party